Trường Nhật ngữ Quốc tế KCP

2012-03-01 20:21:59
March 3rd in Japan is Hina-matsuri event day

March 3rd is the day we have Hina-matsuri event in Japan. Nowadays this is a event to cerebrate girls' happy, healthy growth. At our school we decorated a room with traditional Hina-matsturi dolls for students' appreciation. Students had homework to do some research about the event in advance, and they did presentations about their research in front of the other students.
Students were very curious about the tradition, and they had many questions asking "How much do these dolls cost?""Is there any boys version of the event?""Can we use apricot instead of peach flower for decoration?" It is always a joy for the teachers to see students interested in our culture and to be a help for them to understand it more in depth.
Below is a link to the webpage that introduces Hina-matsuri event in various area in Japan. If you are interested in the event please visit the website!

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